All this talk about Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett and Ed McMahon. It's a shame when the death of someone truly great and influential like Hanne Hiob famous for her role as Ulla Denger in 1960's "Die Nachbarskinder" (opposite the dashing Hans Elwenspoek) is overshadowed by the death of people who just happen to be more famous than herself.
The daughter of writer Bertolt Brecht and opera singer and actress Marianne Zoff, Hanne hid from the glitterati rather than throw herself in its spotlight as did these other three deadbeat-its. Instead, she devoted herself to pacifist political activism... oh...
You know what? I thought it'd be funny to complain about the death of some actor I'd never heard of being "overshadowed" by someone else's death, when I wouldn't have heard about his/her death even if literally nothing happened all day long, but as I'm researching Hanne Hiob, I'm realizing that I actually should be annoyed that her death didn't spark much news. I like her. She received the Aachen Peace Prize the same year as Father Roy Bourgeois, who I also admire for his steadfast annual protests at the School of the Americas (WHINSEC).
RvD should offer to perform at this year's protest. Would there be anything appropriate we could actually do there? Whaddya say, gang? Aside from being for a good cause, it's an opportunity to get up-close and personal with Martin Sheen, The Indigo Girls, and giant, creepy, nightmare-inducing puppets--something for everyone!
Okay, so this blog entry didn't go at all where I thought it would. Sort of like my recent sketch about a flea circus. I guess that's what freewriting is all about.
I stand by the original intent of this blog entry. I think if I'd picked someone equally obscurely famous as Hanne Hiob, and that person did NOT live as noble a life, my original concept would have really worked and right now you'd be feeling immensely satisfied and full, as you do at the end of any good blog entry.
Below, a giant creepy puppet tramples a group of protesters using techniques learned and cultivated at the School of the Americas (WHINSEC).
Thanks for turning me on to Hanne Hiob. A great humanitarian and she did a mean moonwalk.
I remember as a young teenager, watching Hanna Hiob's movies in my basement, dressing like Ulla Denger, secretly imitating Hanna's walk and wishing I could someday be an awesome pacifist political activist like Hanna so I could get all the girls.
Another death trilogy - Hanna Hiob, Billy Mays and Fred Travalena.
I used take part in the School of the Americas protest every year... I was one of the lucky ones who came away untrampled by giant Latin American puppet people.
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