Monday, June 28, 2010

Post Show Glow

Well, folks, 12 Angry Sketches wrapped up last Friday and, like all sketch shows of the past, now lives on only in our memories.

I love doing shows at the Skybox – they have actual lights and sound, and an actual stage, with actual entrances, and with actual backstage space for the actors and everything – but it’s kind of a shame when you are limited to one show a week for four weeks. It feels like you’ve just finally got up to steam before you’re packing a bunch of babies and hats into the back of your car and then running off for beer and cobbler pie.

A match made in heaven, my friends.

Brevity of the run notwithstanding, we had some good shows with some wonderful audiences and some excellent performers – many of whom we were working with for the first time on this little shindig – and got to perform some really silly stuff.

Some personal favorite moments:

  • Getting to shout at a bunch of dogs.
  • Hearing from audiences how much they loved the ‘Diversity Street’ song and dance number.
  • The lines heading into and out of the Cronlon scene (‘telegram for Mr. Cronlon’), just for their sheer ridiculousness.
  • Getting away with some horribly offensive lines by giving them to one Erin Morrill, who I’m convinced can get away with saying anything.
  • Seeing Greg Wendling in a dress, a sight which still haunts my dreams (fantasies).

We here at RvD have a one-night-only performance of ‘The Saga of the Viking Women and their Voyage to the Waters of the Great Sea Serpent, as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton Under the Direction of the Great Sea Serpent’ to look forward to on July 29th. Other than that, it’s back to the writer’s room for us for our Fall show. Stay tuned, Dinobots, for more info, and thanks to everyone who came out for 12 Angry Sketches!

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